Our strategy is best understood when you hear the story of Jesus with the woman at the well (John 4). This is a powerful story of what happens when broken people have an encounter with Jesus, the “living water”. He changes lives and communities!

We are a community all about "the well", the life source, the living water, the life transforming Word, the gathering place of the weary traveler and broken hearted, a source of renewing and refreshing. We are a place to gather at the well, connect around the well (take in for wellness and life, best done together with others), serve the water beyond the well (because we can't afford to keep the water to ourselves) ... then, dig new wells, for the fields are ripe for harvest, and there is no life or growth without the water. Therefore ...



Sunday gathering/worship + learning environments for kids and teens (i.e. theWELLkidz; THE WELL TEENS)


Small groups (called = HUBS) offered in homes, at the building and online.


Throughout the week (Center) + at Sunday gatherings

DIG new W.E.L.L.S. 

Go deeper in your spiritual journey by living on mission daily, BEING the church everyday. Plant seeds of love in the lives of others by practicing the habits of Jesus.

Every week, I’ll seek (with those outside my church family) to …

Wow one person with Encouragement, Kindness or Giving (EKG) = Generosity

Eat with one person = Hospitality

Listen for the Spirit’s leading = Spirit-led

Learn from Christ = Christlike

See God at work and join him there = Missional



Our Mission Measures — Ultimately, LOVE is about relationships: with self, with God, with others, with creation. This is the “whole new life” we all crave. Love can heal any relationship.


Measuring my progress in healing my relationship to self.

  1. Do I want to “get well”? (John 5:6) Y / N

  2. How do those closest to me perceive my level of wellness? (scale: 1 2 3 4)

  3. Who knows the “real me”? 1. ___ 2. ___ 3. ___

  4. What’s my plan to “get well” over the next 30 days? (list possible resources)

  5. Who will walk with me as I follow my wellness plan? Name: ______________



Measuring my progress in healing my relationship to God.

  1. Do I believe God is “good”? (scale: Never — Sometimes — Most of the Time — Always)

  2. Have I fully embraced God’s blessing? (Genesis 1:28; 12:2-3; Mark 1:11) (scale: Focus on my actions despite the blessing >>>> <<<< Embrace the blessing despite my actions)

  3. What do I need to follow through on?

  4. What is God asking me to let go?

  5. When was the last time I did something for the first time? What was it? When was it? 



Measuring my progress in healing my relationship with others.

  1. Do I make room in my life for relationships with others? Y / N

  2. In my closest circle of friends, how many spiritual conversations do we have? 

  3. In my relationships with others, does talking about Jesus come naturally, or is it more awkward? (scale: Awkward >>>><<<<Natural)

  4. Who has God brought into my life in the last 30 days that I can encourage. Name(s)___________________

  5. Who is following me as I follow Jesus? Name(s): __________________



Measuring my progress in healing my relationship with creation. (“How well do I work?” + “How well do I work with others?”)

  1. Do I feel the way I live my daily life is a blessing to others? Y / N

  2. How is God evident in my life Monday thru Saturday?

  3. To what extent am I using my God-given assets (my time, talent & treasure)? (scale: Never >>>><<<< Always)

  4. Considering my God-given assets, what can I do to make God more evident to others?

  5. How well do I work with others? (scale: Doing it the “right way” is most important >>>><<<< Working with others to meet the goals is most important)